This brand-new birth podcast is highlighting birth stories that didn‘t quite go as planned, but we‘ve got a lot to learn from them! Join us each week to learn evidence-based birth practices, what your provider SHOULD be (but probably isn’t) telling you and tips to understanding how to navigate a broken medical system! What happens when you enter a system that vows to protect you during childbirth but ends up harming you? Meagan (Nurse Practitioner) and HeHe (Founder of Tranquility by HeHe) are here to put the pieces back together and give YOU back control of your birth experience! Tune in each week to hear tangible tips to taking control of your birth experience and avoiding the horror stories that everyone loves to share! Thre;s so much to learn from the guests who so bravely share their stories! Connect with us: Unbreaking Birth Podcast: @unbreakingbirth HeHe Stewart: @tranquilitybyhehe & @the.birth.lounge Meagan Bray: @meagan.bae

Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Ep. 9: Small People Have Small Babies
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Today we sit down to discuss some of the data relevant to our last episode of Unbreaking Birth which involved an induction due to a diagnosis of IUGR which was determined at birth to be a misdiagnosis. We are breaking down the differences between IUGR vs small for gestational age, LGA vs Macrosomia, what to know about ultrasounds, and share with you the resources needed to make informed choices if your pregnancy involves any of one of these weight variations or medical diagnosis.

Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Ep.8: Charley’s Story
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Today we welcome Charley to the Unbreaking Birth Podcast to share her story. Charley shares about her experience with an IUGR diagnosis in her pregnancy and how that impacted her birth experience only to find out that her baby was born absolutely perfect and within normal limits for weight. She shares her pregnancy stressors, her labor experience, and her experiences in pregnancy after her first. This episode walks through processing of a birth trauma as well as the negative impacts of blanket care for consumers.
Follow along with us:
Unbreaking Birth Podcast: @unbreakingbirth
HeHe Stewart: @tranquilitybyhehe & @the.birth.lounge
Meagan Bray: @meagan.bae

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Ep. 7: Challenging Roe v. Wade in The Supreme Court Right Now
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
HeHe and Meagan are discussing the Supreme Court case being heard on abortion rights in the US right now. They are discussing abortion after 15 weeks, what diagnoses can lead women to this decision, what it looks like to require an abortion when it is illegal in your state, and what real life effects these bills have. To fix the system….we have to start at the top.
A Guide on How to Get Abortion Pills | Plan C
Texas Abortion Laws | Planned Parenthood Center for Choice
Follow along with us:
Unbreaking Birth Podcast: @unbreakingbirth
HeHe Stewart: @tranquilitybyhehe & @the.birth.lounge
Meagan Bray: @meagan.bae

Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Ep. 6: Why Is hospital policy not evidence based?
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
HeHe and Meagan chat today about hospital policy and the breakdown the reasons why hospital policies are not based in current up-to-date evidence based practices. Barriers that currently suggest that policies can be 15+ years behind current studies and research!
Follow along with us:
Unbreaking Birth Podcast: @unbreakingbirth
HeHe Stewart: @tranquilitybyhehe & @the.birth.lounge
Meagan Bray: @meagan.bae

Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Ep. 5: The Hills We Live and Die On
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
If we had 5m to spend with you, what would we say! HeHe and Meagan have things that they feel every single birthing person needs to know-- here’s the hills we live and die on!
Follow along with us:
Unbreaking Birth Podcast: @unbreakingbirth
HeHe Stewart: @tranquilitybyhehe & @the.birth.lounge
Meagan Bray: @meagan.bae

Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Ep. 4: Defining ‘Breastfeeding Friendly Hospital’
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
HeHe and Meagan dive further into the Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative defining what it means to be a Breastfeeding Friendly Hospital.
A Breastfeeding Friendly Hospital strives to achieve the WHO-UNICEF “Ten Steps of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative” to promote successful breastfeeding: (This is #10 on the MFCI).
Breastfeeding support is not guaranteed to be readily accessible and finding unbiased care for breastfeeding and nursing can be SO hard!
You’re likely to face pressure to give your baby formula--you don’t have to and that is not considered Breastfeeding friendly, even when guised as such! According to the WHO, Formula companies aren't supposed to be advertised or promoted by medical professionals--so why is this happening so rampantly in the hospitals?
Follow along with us:
Unbreaking Birth Podcast: @unbreakingbirth
HeHe Stewart: @tranquilitybyhehe & @the.birth.lounge
Meagan Bray: @meagan.bae

Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Ep. 3: Is Your Hospital Meeting Mother-Friendly Criteria?
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
This week we are diving into the exact criteria hospitals need to meet the Mother-Friendly criteria to help you determine if you hospital is Mother-Friendly or not. HeHe and Meagan continue to work through the Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative. It’s easy for hospitals to 'check these boxes', but still be traumatizing folks. HeHe and Meagan are breaking down everything you need to look for in your birthing facility.
The Healthy People Initiative has goals of the US infant mortality rate being 5 in every 1000 births. Only 11 states met this criteria in 2018 when they checked in and the number of infant deaths were highest in the southern states-- MS, AL, LA, GA, TN
Figure 1 on Page 8: https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/call-to-action-maternal-health.pdf
Follow along with us:
Unbreaking Birth Podcast: @unbreakingbirth
HeHe Stewart: @tranquilitybyhehe & @the.birth.lounge
Meagan Bray: @meagan.bae

Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Ep. 2: What is a Mother-Baby Friendly Hospital?
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Today we are going to be talking about the Mother-Baby Friendly Childbirth Initiative. This initiative focuses on improving birth, not only as an experience, but really the outcomes of birth. HeHe and Meagan walk through this initiative to explain what it means to be a Mother-Baby Friendly hospital AND how it’s easy for hospitals to check the boxes to be 'mother-baby friendly', but still be traumatizing folks!
Follow along with us:
Unbreaking Birth Podcast: @unbreakingbirth
HeHe Stewart: @tranquilitybyhehe & @the.birth.lounge
Meagan Bray: @meagan.bae

Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Ep. 1: Our Why
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
HeHe Stewart and Meagan Bray welcome you to The Unbreaking Birth Podcast. In their first episode, HeHe and Meagan connect on why they are publishing this podcast. It is their hope to reach as many women as possible, educate as many birthing people as possible, to share the evidence, options, and stories (good and bad) from the rooftops so that we can help prepare you for any birth space you are in, any medical treatment you seek, and any time you just need to advocate for yourself.
We hope we can help you on this podcast before you get there, armor you with some info, and get you feeling confident about asking hard questions and navigating the medical system.
Follow along with us:
Unbreaking Birth Podcast: @unbreakingbirth
HeHe Stewart: @tranquilitybyhehe & @the.birth.lounge
Meagan Bray: @meagan.bae